Every year, more than 15 million root canals are performed. While a root canal is a very common dental procedure used to address infection or inflammation in the pulp of a tooth, many people don’t know the signs that they need one.

Since root canals can restore the tooth's function and appearance, preventing further damage, it’s important to address damage or decay inside a tooth quickly to ensure that it doesn’t negatively affect your teeth’s aesthetic, your oral health, and even your overall health. 

But how do you know if you need a root canal? You could be experiencing gum disease symptoms, tooth infection symptoms, tooth abscess or dental abscess symptoms, or halitosis. Below are eight common signs to watch out for in your dental health if you think you might need a root canal in Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Los Altos, or Palo Alto.

8 Signs That You Might Need a Root Canal

It's important to remember that everyone's oral health is unique, and while these signs can indicate the need for a root canal, they can also be symptoms of other dental issues. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it's essential to consult with a dental professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Here are eight common signs that might indicate you need a root canal:

1. Bleeding Gums

Bleeding while brushing or flossing can indicate an infected tooth root. This symptom should prompt a visit to the dentist for evaluation and treatment, as it may indicate gum disease or other underlying issues.

2. Bad Breath and Unpleasant Taste 

Chronic bad breath or a persistent unpleasant taste in your mouth can be a sign of an infected tooth that needs treatment. This occurs when bacteria build up in the infected tooth and release foul-smelling gases or fluids.

3. Sensitivity to Hot and Cold Foods 

If you experience pain or sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods, it could be a sign of an infected tooth root. This sensitivity is caused by the infection affecting the nerves in your teeth, and it may worsen over time if left untreated.

4. Tooth Pain

Persistent tooth pain, especially when eating or applying pressure, can indicate the need for a root canal. The pain may be throbbing or sharp and should not be ignored, as it could signal an infection that requires treatment.

5. Swelling or Tenderness

Swelling or tenderness around a tooth can indicate an abscess, which is a collection of pus due to bacterial infection. This requires immediate attention from a dentist to prevent the infection from spreading and causing further damage.

6. Tooth Discoloration

Darkening or yellowing of a tooth, along with possible cracking or crumbling, can signal the need for a root canal. This discoloration occurs as the infection progresses and affects the tooth's structure.

7. Gum Discoloration or Swelling

Redness or swelling of the gums can indicate an infection spreading from the tooth to the surrounding tissue, requiring root canal treatment to remove the infection and prevent further complications.

8. Pimple on the Gums

A pimple-like bump on the gums near a tooth can indicate an abscess, which is a sign of an infected tooth root. This abscess may release pus and cause swelling and tenderness in the area.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it's crucial to schedule an appointment with a specialist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Root canal treatment can help restore your tooth's function and appearance, preventing further damage from infection or inflammation.

Where to Get a Root Canal in Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Los Altos and Palo Alto

At The Modern Endodontist, our dedicated team, led by Dr. Yarah Beddawi, specializes in endodontics and microsurgery for advanced root canal treatment services. We are proud to offer a more modern approach to root canal treatment, and with nearly two decades of dental experience, we’re the experts at root canals in Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Palo Alto, and Los Altos.

We utilize state-of-the-art technology, including digital imaging and advanced microscopy, to accurately diagnose and treat root canal issues. Our carbon-neutral, comfortable office and patient-centered care approach, combined with our expertise, offer you the best solution if you’re suffering from any of these symptoms and need a root canal. 

Ready to ensure the health of your smile by protecting the roots of your teeth in the comfort of a modern office with the latest technological advancements?