Root Canal Treatment in Mountain View

The root canal is our primary focus at The Modern Endodontist. This tooth-saving procedure was once among the most dreaded of all dental treatments. However, modern advances in both techniques and technology have made it far easier and a lot less painful, especially in the caring hands of Dr. Yarah Beddawi and her team!

Save Your Natural Tooth

Whether you come to our office or go to someone else, please make sure you always try to save your natural tooth. An implant is a great choice only if you cannot save your natural tooth.

What Is a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment preserves a natural tooth that has become infected. During this procedure, we will access your tooth to remove the infected dental pulp and clean out the various narrow canals that make up the tooth’s interior. Once the infection has been removed, we will fill the inside of the tooth with a special material called gutta-percha.

Our root canal procedure is often the last resort before extracting the tooth becomes the only option. Fortunately, it’s highly effective, with more than a 95% success rate. Your natural tooth can last a lifetime after having received this treatment.

Do I Need a Root Canal?

If you’re wondering whether you need root canal therapy, just keep an eye out for these telltale signs:

  • Persistent tooth pain
  • Discolored tooth
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Pain when chewing
  • Cracked or chipped tooth
  • Abscess on nearby gum

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, then you may need an emergency endodontist, or you risk losing your tooth altogether. Schedule an appointment with our team as soon as possible.

Does a Root Canal Treatment Hurt?

The root canal procedure has long had a reputation for being uncomfortable, and for many decades that was true. But if you need a root canal today, don’t worry. With modern techniques and advancements in technology, the procedure is nearly painless, and the recovery period is far shorter than ever before. We also offer general anesthesia to all patients that request it, including children (when requested by a parent).

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

Several different factors contribute to the cost of a root canal procedure, so it’s difficult to provide an exact number for how much one costs without an examination. The extent of the infection in the root of the tooth and the location of the tooth that requires treatment will influence the way we approach the procedure. If you would like to get a better idea of how much your root canal will cost, contact The Modern Endodontist today and we will be happy to go over the variables with you and determine an estimate.

Revision Root Canal

The human body behaves in mysterious ways. Some root canals last for life, while others become reinfected over time. This is completely normal and expected. Just like doing a new root canal, Dr. Beddawi will laser focus on the root cause of the issue, no pun intended! She will make an assessment whether it is possible to re-treat the tooth or if it is not possible, she will recommend you to an oral surgeon for extraction. But Dr. Beddawi always tries to save your natural tooth.


The Modern Endodontist

2204 Grant Rd. Suite 202
Mountain View, CA 94040
(650) 800-9414
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